Data Recovery Services
Restores and recovers lost or corrupted data from media such as :
- Hard disk, Server, Raid and any Data Storage Devices
- USB Flash Drive and any Data Storage Devices
- CCTV , Smartphone & IoT
- Data Sanitization
- Syllabus Learning and Training
Retrofitting & Robotics Services
- Outdated Machine OS
- Outdated Public Health & Defence Equipment
- Oudated Factory Automation System
- Storage Device & RAID Analysis
- Operating System Recovery
- RAID Analysis
- Data File/Server Analysis
- DCS/PLC, I/O Controller & Workstation
IT Security Solution
Provide latest IT Security Technology Solution from South Korea
- Outdated Factory Automation System
- Total Internet Access Control Solution
- Integration & Secutiy Solution
- Worm,Virus,Malware, Hacking Detection
- Illegal Radio Frequency Detection - Protect eavedropping Security
- SSL encryption & description solution
- Virtual Server Security Solution
- Source Code Weakness Analysis
- Neobox:VPN, Firewall,IPS
- Cloud data & Recover Soluion
- Firewall, iwall
Digital Forensic
Provide expert computer forensic service by collect,preserve and analyze evidance in criminal and civil cases.
- Data Leakage Confrontation
- Computer & CCTV Forensic
- Mobile Devide Forensic
- Chip-off JTAG Data Extraction
- HDD/SSD/SD Card Flash Drive Forensic
IT R&D Technology Transfer
Supporting & Cooperate any necessary IT item for R&D Technology from South Korea including;
- CCTV Video Forensic Technology & DVR Explorer Product and Video Recovery
- Disk Checker- Portable Disk Total Solution Storage
- Hardware encryption chip based on IoT for stable performace and security built in CCTV
- SSD Recognized Technology
- SSD Data Recovery Solution Technology
Latest High-End Technology
Provide latest High-end Technology from South Korea
- CT & TubeTechnology (Medical)
- Fuctional Cu Antibacterial Film
- Escalator Sanitizer
Automation License Plate Detection
& Recognition (ALPR)